When booking your Powderbrows, Lip Blush or Eyeliner appointment we will need to know if you have any contraindication that may affect the treatment, such as:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You are under 18

  • You get keloid scars

  • Botox and fillers (you must wait 1 month prior and 1 month after)

  • You have been on Accutane within 1 year

  • You have any type of irritation of the skin such as blemishes, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and sunburn on the area of procedure.

  • You are on Retin-A or Retinols. Be off 7 days before appointment.

  • Diabetic (consult your doctor)

  • Have HIV or Hepatitis or any other viral infections and/or diseases

  • You have a history of cold sores or herpes on your lips (for lip blush only)

If none of these contraindications apply to you, you are safe to proceed with the booking process.